Link to the form below, fill it out and when you submit it, you will get a direct link to Working America, the organization coordinating this campaign.
Working America will communicate with you. They will send you complete instructions and your address list of Georgia voters.
When asked “who referred you” please enter [Morristown Dems/Patricia Stafford ??? (By doing this, we’ll be able to track how we’re doing as a group.)
Once you have completed your letters, please return them to us and we will stamp and mail them. (We will send you the location of the drop-off spot.)
Please Help with Payment for Postage Cost of postage will be $55 for the 100 letters Working America will ask you to write.
The Morristown Democratic Committee is asking volunteers to donate $25 per 100 letters to help cover that cost. The Committee will match your donation by paying the remainder of the cost ($35).
If you can't write letters now but are able to donate to cover postage for 100 letters or more, we also welcome your support.
Please click here to donate:
Timetable To meet the tight timeframe of the Georgia run-off, letters should be requested by December 1 and can be mailed AFTERDecember 21 (not before).
These are high priority voters and our efforts could make a real difference in increasing turnout for the crucial Georgia Senate races on January 5th.